Let the fun begin, once you have all the equipment needed to connect to your panel you need to setup the Honeywell compass software. The link to install guide is in section 2.1. Open the software and will get this screen.
Dear Sirs,I have one request. After installing compass 2.0 I noticed that thepanel does not list Vista 128BPT. How can I add this panel to its list. Theprogram I have tested the panel Vista 4140 and functions by mistake, but Idesperately need your support for the Vista 128 BPT you need to startinstalling. Thanks in advance!
ademco compass downloader
Before using the Honeywell Compass downloader software you MUST "suspend" the StarLink Connect software. Double-click the StarLink Connect icon in the System Tray, then click the Exit tab and click Suspend (see image below). 2ff7e9595c